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Harlow Business Forum

Event details

Free event

Harlow Council, Civic Centre, THE WATER GARDENS, College Square, Harlow CM20 1WG, UK

Past dates
  • Wed Nov 30th 2022 | 8:00 am till 10:00 am

Harlow Council, Civic Centre, THE WATER GARDENS, College Square, Harlow CM20 1WG, UK

8:00 – 8:20 Breakfast & Networking

8:20 Welcome – Harlow Council & Harlow District Chamber of Commerce

8:25 Harlow’s business outlook

Learn how local businesses can get involved and shape the town’s future business landscape, including Harlow Council’s upcoming Economic Development Strategy

Speaker: Cllr Joel Charles, Portfolio Holder for Business and Community Resilience

8:40 Economic Development Strategy Q&A

8:50 What’s happening in Harlow?

Details of the latest town updates and opportunities for local businesses. Including:

• Towns Fund proposals and timelines

• Town Centre regeneration

• Harlow Innovation Park

Speakers: Cllr Dan Sword, Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Regeneration

9:10 HGGT Updates

Find out about the latest Harlow & Gilston Garden Town updates and potential procurement / supply chain opportunities

Speaker: Naisha Polaine, Director, Harlow & Gilston Garden Town

9:25 Arise Innovation Hub

Background on the Arise Hub and how local businesses could get involved

Speaker: Rebecca Stark, Arise Innovation Hubs Stakeholder and Operations Coordinator

9:35 Getting involved in the Harlow Chamber

Learn about the Harlow & District Chamber of Commerce, the benefits of membership and how local business can join

Speaker: Chris Chapman, Chair of Harlow & District Chamber of Commerce

*9:40 Q&A – Get your questions answered by our presenters

9:50 Breakout Discussions

• What are the main business challenges you are currently facing?

• What does your business future look like?

• How can Harlow Council help local businesses?

• What topics would you like to hear about at the next Harlow Business Forum?

10:00 End

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